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    Après avoir accueilli depuis octobre 2015 des centaines et des centaines de sujets de discussions labohémiennes, notre bon vieux Forum laisse désormais sa place à un tout nouvel espace de discussion pour les labohémien‧ne‧s: le « Dix-cordes ».

    Tous les sujets du For-M- restent néanmoins disponibles à la consultation ci-dessous.


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    948 messages

    Thank you @donnal for sharing this with us ! Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna pick, full of surprises !!!
    I find it quite amazing to be able to follow our little M from miles away… I know you can feel a bit frustated sometimes when some of the videos from Youtube are not accessible in your country. I tried to explain some time ago on FB that there is a way to actually be able to view those videos through VPN, did you get that ?
    I ‘m half French, half English and I can say that your french is remarkable, well done !
    BTW, The Cranberries were my fave band in the 90’s too !!!

    Well, I hope you enjoyed Paris and the whole « experience » thing, lucky you to be able to attend the book signing as well !!!

    I hope we meet some day…. I’d be awfully delighted to come to a Prince concert featuring our M in your city ! Cheerio…