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    Après avoir accueilli depuis octobre 2015 des centaines et des centaines de sujets de discussions labohémiennes, notre bon vieux Forum laisse désormais sa place à un tout nouvel espace de discussion pour les labohémien‧ne‧s: le « Dix-cordes ».

    Tous les sujets du For-M- restent néanmoins disponibles à la consultation ci-dessous.


    Répondre à: Abdication


    596 messages

    (Version anglais / English version)

    Struggles can be a source of beauty, you know…
    Strong emotions inspire poetry
    And paintings
    That bring color to
    An otherwise gray existence.

    And a pearl? So bright and glowing,
    Smooth and hypnotic,
    Like the moon herself?
    A pearl begins as a single grain of sand
    Lodged inside a oyster, causing it discomfort.

    Abdication may cross the mind;
    This is natural – the dual instinct of
    Fight or flight…
    But flghting isn’t always warfare,
    And flight isn’t always an escape.

    Sometimes the greatest battle is
    Conquering one’s own fears,
    And sometimes flying is
    Making a leap of faith, and
    Riding the winds of change.

    The future is hidden,
    Like the sun behind the clouds;
    But it’s there, and it shines –
    We might not always see its light,
    But we feel its warmth in the smiles of our friends.